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RE: GGI/Berlin?

Þann 08-Feb-98 skrifar Tim Thomson:
> Berlin, designed to be a replacement for X, is to be written for the GGI
> first. Berlin seems to be trying to take the best bits out of MacOS and
> Win95, and is designed to be easy to use.
> Maybe we should be considering using GGI and Berlin, for the future?
> Just a thought, comments?
  It's a thought...

  What you have written about GGI and Berlin are thought provoking, they
seem like systems that would be interesting.  And would be worthy to try
out, when they become usable.

  However, SEUL is going to be a Unix style system.  And it isn't a very good
idea to start by radically changing the user interfaces, just notice the effect
the changes from libc5 to libc6 is having.  Every other Unix system, that is
using a graphical user interface is based around X.  Leaning away from that, at
this time, may risk a complete incompatibility with all the software that is
already widely available on the freeware market.  And that wouldn't make SEUL
very End User friendly. IMO.

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194