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[seul-edu] SLIS and Guilde'Educ projects in Grenoble

Here is a piece of information on what is going on here in Grenoble (France),
in connection with Linux in Education. The local group (Guilde Educ), among
other initiatives, is focusing on Compil'Edux, which is an attempt to provide
Open Source software to Educational Institutions. Find below a copy of the
announce appeared on Freshmeat end of December, and the current contents of our
FTP site (with more than a dozen of software packages not available elsewhere
at the moment -- and a lot more not so easy to find).

Another even more important action is the SLIS project by the CARMI (Internet
management Office in Grenoble). The SLIS project has developped a piece 
of Linux software, designed to automate the maintenance of Linux servers in
Educational Institutions (through modem connections with a centralized
maintenance site). Right now, more than 300 institutions are connected in the
Grenoble area with the SLIS technology. Check:


Best wishes for a great Linux Year 2000 !

Jean-Pierre Demailly
Department of Mathematics
Grenoble University


Compil'Edux initiative

The goal of Compil'Edux is to provide a centralized place where open
source educational software can be found, either in the form of links
to other sites, or as a ftp site containing source tarballs.  The
initiative started at Grenoble University in October 1999 and is still
at its early stage. However, our site already contains more than 100
links and packages. There are several packages not available elsewhere
- either developped from scratch by the local team, or enhancements of
existing open source software. A short-term perspective for the ftp
site would be to serve as a basis for the production of Linux CD-Rom's
geared towards educational use.  Help is much welcome, especially with
regards to: 1) Information on other similar initiatives 2)
internationalization of existing packages 3) Educational data
available under an Open Content license, 4) Bug reports concerning our

Web site: http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/carmi-internet/ge/liens.php
Ftp site: ftp://ftp.ac-grenoble.fr/ge/

The ftp site currently has sections dedicated to
art, astronomy, CAD software, mathematics, chemistry, physics, geo-sciences,
educational games, educational material for languages (dictionaries),
programming tools, various software applications and utilities.


Tree of files on the Guilde-Educ ftp site   

Meaning of # and * symbols used below:

#   = The original package has been slightly modified (bug corrections or
      ou minor compilation problems)
*   = Minor (but useful) functionalities added
**  = Substantial functionalities added
*** = Software is original work of the Guilde'Educ team (possibly including
      some extra data...)
|-- app_console                 (    Applications quite suited to slow CPU's)
|   |-- bmv-1.3.tgz             (*   non-X substitute of ghostview / svgalib)
|   |-- microemacs-5.02.tgz     (**  emacs clone, preferred by Linus Torvalds!)
|   |-- tmview-9806.tgz         (    allows viewing .dvi 's under svgalib)
|   `-- zgv-5.0.tgz             (    image viewing under svgalib)
|-- app_general
|   |-- agrep-2.04.tgz          (#   searching strings -- improved grep)
|   |-- ghostview-1.7.tgz       (**  PostScript viewer GUI-frontend)
|   |-- hyphen-show-0.1.tgz     (*   hyphenation searching in .dvi files)
|   |-- magicpoint-1.06a.tgz    (    PowerPoint like program)
|   |-- mgp-gallery-2.0.tgz     (    Sample files for MagicPoint)
|   |-- par-1.50.tgz            (    reformatting paragraphs)
|   |-- sudo-1.3.1pl4_mod.tgz   (**  modified sudo delegation utility)
|   |-- siag-3.1.21.tgz         (    open source office suite)
|   |-- xdiary-1.1.tgz          (**  simple but quite practical diary)
|   |-- xdvik-21.29-beta.tgz    (**  improved GUI-frontend for xdvi)
|   |-- xdvips-1.1.tgz          (*** GUI-frontend for dvips)
|   |-- xfax-2.10.tgz           (*** Open source Fax software / TeX, LaTeX)
|   |-- xfmail-1.4.0.tgz        (    Easy-to-use GUI-email client)
|   |-- xpaint-2.5.7b.tgz       (*   Standard Xpaint + printing menu)
|   |-- xtel-3.2.1.tgz          (*   Minitel (oldfashioned French E-terminal))
|   `-- xv-3.10f.tgz            (*   Slight improvement of John Bradley's XV)
|-- art
|   |-- tableaux.tgz            (    Classical art gallery: Joconde...)
|   `-- world.tgz               (    Various clipart pictures)
|-- astronomie
|   |-- planets.tgz             (    Beautiful astronomy maps pf planets)
|   |-- ssystem-1.6.tgz         (    Simulation of solar system)
|   |-- xephem-3.2.3.tgz        (    Powerfule astronomy program)
|   `-- xphoon.tgz              (    Moon phases as root window)
|-- cad
|   |-- qcad_source.tgz         (    GPL'd CAD program)
|   `-- qcad_manual.tgz         (    Q-CAD manual)
|-- chimie
|   |-- ammp-2.0.tgz            (    Viewing chemical molecules)
|   |-- chemtool-1.1.1.tgz      (    Writing plane chemical formulas)
|   |-- gperiodic-1.2.6.tgz     (    Periodical Mendeleev Table of elements)
|   |-- pdb_data.tgz            (    Structure of some common molecules)
|   |-- povchem-1.3.tgz         (**  Viewing chemical molecules with povray)
|   |-- rasmol_2.7.1.tgz        (    Viewing chemical molecules)
|   `-- xem-0.30.tgz            (    Acide-base virtual experiments)
|-- geosciences
|   |-- earth
|   |   |-- magellan.tgz        (    Magellan Geographix world maps )
|   |   |-- earthmgr.tgz        (*** GUI-frontend for xearth & xglobe)
|   |   |-- xearth-1.0.tgz      (    View of Earth with sunshine)
|   |   |-- xglobe-0.5.tgz      (    More realistic vewing of Earth)
|   |   |-- xglobe_maps.tgz     (    Various maps for xglobe)
|   |   `-- xplanet-0.43.tgz    (    Other viewing program for Earth maps)
|   |-- sunclock-1.8.tgz        (**  Local time, distances, day/night on Earth)
|   |-- kworldwatch-0.6.tgz     (    Animated day/night view of Earth)
|   `-- xtide-2.1.7.tgz         (    Calculation of tides)
|-- jeux_educatifs
|   |-- affenspiel-1.0.tgz      (*   Logic & geometry)
|   |-- anagrammer-0.5.tgz      (*   Producing anagrams)
|   |-- anton-0.1.tgz           (    Famous number puzzle game)
|   |-- awele-1.0.tgz           (#   Nice African logic game)
|   |-- blockade-1.00.tgz       (    Pushing bricks & logic)
|   |-- carpet-1.0.tgz          (*   Combinatorial game (permutations))
|   |-- cgoban-1.9.7.tgz        (    GUI for GO game)
|   |-- chess-5.00.tgz          (    GNU-chess, famous chess program)
|   |-- crafty-17.6.tgz         (    Other chess program, > chess(?))
|   |-- gnugo-2.4.tgz           (    GO game program)
|   |-- groundhog-1.1.tgz       (    Logic game again, quite tough...)
|   |-- gtans-1.0.tgz           (    Tangram, classical Chinese game)
|   |-- hangman.tgz             (*   Hangman game)
|   |-- rubix-1.0.2.tgz         (*   Rubik's cube -- mouse friendly under X)
|   |-- scrabble-dict.tgz       (*   French/English Scrabble dictionaries)
|   |-- xboard-4.0.5.tgz        (    GUI frontend for chess)
|   |-- xbomb-2.1.tgz           (*   Demineur game)
|   |-- xcheckers-1.2.tgz       (    Checkers program)
|   |-- xjig-2.4.tgz            (    Jigsaw program, quite user friendly)
|   |-- xjigmgr.tgz             (*** GUI frontend for xjig)
|   |-- xlaby-2.0.2.tgz         (**  Labyrinth program with GUI frontend)
|   |-- xmahjongg-3.0.2.tgz     (    Beautiful X version of Mahjongg)
|   |-- xmastermind-0.1.tgz     (*   Mastermind game under xforms library)
|   |-- xquarto-2.2.tgz         (**  Quarto -- interesting combinatorics!)
|   |-- xreversi-1.7.tgz        (**  Reversi/Othello program + network support)
|   |-- xscrabble-2.00.tgz      (**  Scrabble program with network support)
|   |-- xsok-1.01.tgz           (    Sokoban: pushing bricks & logic)
|   |-- xtetris-2.6.tgz         (    Tetris, the original one)
|   |-- xvier-1.0.tgz           (#   Power 4, alignment & strategy)
|   |-- xwords-1.0.tgz          (**  Find hidden mixed-up words)
|   `-- yahtzee_sbi-1.04.tgz    (*   Yahtzee - famous dice game)
|-- langues_vivantes
|   |-- babytrans-0.33.tgz      (*   Babylon Translator program for Linux)
|   `-- dictionnaires           (    Dictionaries for babytrans)
|       |-- english.dic.gz      (    Common base )
|       |-- english2.gz         (    ... not needed for Linux version)
|       |-- EngtoDut.dic.gz     (    English to Dutch dictionary)
|       |-- EngtoEng.dic.gz     (    English to English dictionary)
|       |-- EngtoFre.dic.gz     (    English to French dictionary)
|       |-- EngtoGer.dic.gz     (    English to German dictionary)
|       |-- EngtoIta.dic.gz     (    English to Italian dictionary)
|       |-- EngtoPor.dic.gz     (    English to Portuguese dictionary)
|       `-- EngtoSpa.dic.gz     (    English to Spanish dictionary)
|-- mathematics
|   |-- drgeo-0.8.3.tgz         (    Dynamic Geometry program)
|   |-- fractals
|       |-- backfract-1.1.2.tgz (    Animated Mandelbrot set in root window)
|       |-- xaos-3.0.tgz        (    Fractal exporator)
|       |-- xfractint-3.10.tgz  (    Fractal generator)
|       |-- xlyap-2.4.tgz       (#   View Lyapounov exponents)
|       |-- xmountains-2.4.tgz  (    Simulation of fractal mountains)
|   |-- garith-2.1.tgz          (*   Test your elementary arithmetic knowledge)
|   |-- genius-0.4.6.tgz        (    Sophisticated "pocket" calculator)
|   |-- geomview-    (    Viewing geometrical shapes /modelization)
|   |-- gnuplot-3.7.tgz         (    Plotting curves and surfaces)
|   |-- magicsqr-1.3.tgz        (*   Produce magic squares)
|   |-- pari-2.0.11.beta.tgz    (    Advanced arit. functions, formal calculus)
|   |-- qc-1.10.tgz             (**  Quickcalc claclator, simple & efficient)
|   |-- roman-2.0.tgz           (**  Conversion arabic<->roman numbers)
|   |-- xabacus-5.5.2.tgz       (    Chinese abacus)
|   `-- xgfe-2.0.tgz            (    GUI frontend for gnuplot)
|-- physique
|   |-- lum-0.30.tgz            (    Simulation of optics experiments)
|   |-- mek-0.50.tgz            (    Simulations of mechanics experiments)
|   `-- xsis-1.0.tgz            (*** Magic eye 3D-images + Modelliser)
|-- programmation
|   `-- libsx-1.9.tgz           (#*  Library "Simple X", really simple!)
`-- xutils
    |-- lupe007.tgz             (*   Interactiv Lupe, much better than xmag)
    |-- wm_depth-1.2.tgz        (**  Select Depth & WM under xdm)
    |-- xdu-3.1.tgz             (*   GUI frontend for "du", i.e. disk usage)
    |-- xfishtank-2.1tp.tgz     (    Animated aquarium as root window)
    |-- xdmphoto-2.0.tgz        (*   Xdm clone, with user photographs enabled)
    |-- xfm-1.3.2b.tgz          (*   Slight variant of Xfm file manager)
    |-- xfsm-1.9.tgz            (**  Interactive file system mounter)
    |-- xhalt-1.2.tgz           (*** GUI frontend for shutdown)
    |-- xless-1.8.tgz           (#   X version of the "less" filter pager)
    |-- xp-1.1.tgz              (    Another pager under X)
    |-- xquery-1.1.tgz          (*** GUI for querying simultaneous X sessions)
    |-- xrun-0.5.6.tgz          (*** GUI for running commands, man pages...)
    |-- xsnow-1.40.tgz          (    Winter scene as root window animation)
    |-- xstar-2.2.tgz           (    n-body mechanics as root window)
    |-- xtermset-0.5.tgz        (**  Change xterm attributes)
    `-- xwhirl-1.1.tgz          (    Animated whirl as root window animation)