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Re: SEUL: Re: Comments (fwd)

Star's End wrote:
> > > If you ever want these programs written, DON'T talk about writing them -
> > [...]
> >
> > Well, I thing the above list is pretty useful.
> That was the point of the list to begin with. A distribution for the
> home or office is only going to be attractive if there are applications
> to run.

Yes, I see your point.

> I realize that some or all of what I listed exists or is under active
> development.

Even better for us :O)

> But are we going to create distribution rpms for them?

If they don't exist and we want an app in the distrib, I'd say
yes.  (Or help the authors create one)

> I have been listed on this mailing list for nine months now. I am
> tired of the religous wars, and about which technology would suit
> our purposes better.

I never wanted to make the impression that I oppose
using rpm now.  I just wanted to point out that there
may come a situation where deb is workable for our target
users and that it could _then_ be _considered_ to use a packaging
system which is a volounteer effort just like the SEUL project.
> > The list could also be the basis for a summary of features
> > typical programs of each category may include.
To elaborate on this a little:

Step 1a: Get the list of categories and sub-categories sorted out.
Step 1b: Fill it out with apps + URL, I'd suggest to include
         commercial and shareware to have a better overview.
(This is what you suggested, right ?)

Step 2: For "each" category, collect what features programs
        of this kind usually/sometimes contain.
        This would greatly ease comparison for us (what
        to include) as well as potentially for others
        (e.g. people who want to review apps for Linux Journal, etc.)
        Example:  List of features for a word processor include
        thesaurus, spelling checker, WYSIWYG, index generation,
        foot notes, support for multiple languages/wide characters,
        languages the app is available for, etc.
        List of features of a calendar app includes whether the
        new MS/Lotus standard is supported, group support (network),

Step 3: Write summaries and/or reviews for certain packages:
        Pros/Cons, features (roughly keaping the feature list
        from Step 2 in mind, suitable for SEUL or not (recommandation),
        Improvements which could be suggested to the authors so
        the app is more end-user friendly, the LSM entry if available,
        licensing info, etc.

Step 4: I forgot :(

Anyway, the apps list, the install procedure, help system, etc.
can be worked on in parallel, no need to work on one thing only
now (in case I have made this impression)

> The question still arises What applications do you want and use
> on a computer. I have posted my list. Try adding something instead
> of commenting on why the list is good or bad.

Hmm, I did in an earlier post.  Your list was pretty comprehensive so
I could only find a handful of additional things on first
try, especially since _I_ don't use most of the stuff
I added (e.g. multimedia authoring tools :) and my most
desired application, a DTP program was already on the list ;)
