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(Self) introduction/APS

Just a few lines to introduce myself to the group:  At  the  moment,
I'm  doing  a phd in fishery research (mathematical modelling of the
stock-recruitment system in Baltic and  Icelandic cod).  I work with
oceanographic,  satellite  (Sea  Surface  Temperature)  and  Virtual
Population Analyses (VPA, i.e.  demographic structure  of  the  fish
population)  data  attempting  to  model  qualitative  relationships
governing the dynamics of the  spawning  stock  and  recruitment  of
juveniles  into  the  adult  population  and fishery.  I'm from Lund
University (Southern Sweden)  but  had  to  come  down to the Canary
Islands because my phd couldn't be supervised at home (no  expertise
in  the field).  You may find more details on my research in my home

That's all for now.

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Aldo-Pier Solari <SolariS@CICEI.ULPGC.ES>, Fish.Res.Gr./ULP
Home-page:  http://www.ulpgc.es/usuarios/solaris/index.html
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