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Re: docutg: SGML Software (again)

* Bill Tihen -- TECHNOLOGY (bill@mail.tasis.ch) [991214]:%y11Tue, Dec 14, 1999 at 09:35:32AM +0100]:
> Quoting Ramin Miraftabi <ramin@cs.joensuu.fi>:
> Well, the issue I am refering to with SGMLtools is one
> related to using the CVS version of SGMLtools.  It just
> happens that is the required version for LyX.  It
> doesn't work with the older ones for some reason.  (I
> guess this makes it a LyX issue, because most people
> will otherwise use the normal SGMLtools.  I guess I
> should switch now since I don't use LyX to DocBook
> articles.

Use the CVS version of SGMLtools! It is far better than the
release... What are the changes that needed to be made to SGMLtools
for it to work with LyX (or are they just general functionality

> I look forward to the customizing stuff.  I haven't yet
> tried your dtd.  Hopefully this week.

Not DTD, just my stylesheet (which will change again when I have the
time to fiddle around with it).

> I like this idea, we could use some kind of SEUL,
> header/footer.  That might add a nice touch.  

Anyone willing to create one. Of course something that would be in
tune with the rest of the website would be a good thing...

I still need to work on the scripts though, that'll have to wait for
the holiday season to hit us...


Ramin Miraftabi                         Student of Computer Science
email: ramin@cs.joensuu.fi              University of Joensuu
WWW: http://dawn.joensuu.fi/~ramin/     Joensuu, Finland

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