On Mon, 30 May 2005 20:08:32 +0200, Jens Granseuer <jensgr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On 29.05.2005 22:29, Andrej Krivulčík wrote:On Sun, 29 May 2005 17:50:50 +0200, Jens Granseuer <jensgr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Fixed in CVS.
I just love this sentence :-). Its only drawback is that it means that something was broken :-).
Won't happen again :-P
> Well, it looks like you still need a name, at least...
Yeah, I had this on my mind but forgot to mention it. I'm not quite sure how to name it, here are some suggestions: Depots and ranking (I like this one most) Basic combat (tactics/strategy) How to win a skirmish Battling the enemy
I have changed the map so that it's complete (with the name Tutorial #2: Depots & ranking, feel free to change it if you dislike it).
How about "Of boys and men"?
- The 30 chars restriction in the mission name is quite tight, I had to replace 'and' with the ampersand. I will also have problems with slovak translation (it definitely won't fit in 30 chars), it would be perhaps good idea to allow more characters.
We might want to consider dropping "Tutorial #2" from the title. We need something that can sensibly be displayed as a title, and while 30 is arguably a pretty arbitrary limit, we should make titles that fit.
You have persuaded me :-). Do it.
- I have changed also the first tutorial mission so that it has the second
map as its successor. Exporting from CoMET added quite a few lines, I
don't know if they are necessary. Check the attached diff.
Nah, comet also exports a number of default settings which aren't necessary. I usually remove those settings before vomitting to CVS.
I had a feeling that I recall something like this...
- In both missions I have changed my email address to krivulcik@xxxxxxxxx
. If it doesn't bother you, do a quick
s/thefox@pobox\.sk/krivulcik@xxxxxxxxx/ in the ChangeLog please.
I'll probably leave the ChangeLog alone and just use the new address for future commits.
That's okay with me.