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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist: ERROR: Unbound variable: primitive-fork


>[berni@odie cmeter]$ gnetlist -g PCBboard -o board.pcb cmeter.sch
>gEDA/gnetlist version 20040111
>gEDA/gnetlist comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for more details.
>This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain
>conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.
>Loading schematic [cmeter.sch]
>ERROR: Unbound variable: primitive-fork

	Ugg.  I haven't seen this before.  Several things to try:

1) Could you please run gsch2pcb instead of gnetlist directly?  I'm curious
   how that will behave.  For info on gsch2pcb please see: 

2) Do you have PCB installed?  I'm guessing the answer to this is obviously

3) Do you have m4 installed? 

>Could it be that an error in my schematic leads to the netlister failing?
>Some library issue?

	Possible, but it sure is an odd error message.	We can eliminate
these if you send me a small schematic which reproduces the problem on
your box and I'll try it on my box.  Thanks.
