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Re: gEDA-user: A couple o' questions

On Apr 7, 2006, at 6:17 PM, John Sheahan wrote:

Yep. The roles of the pins aren't properties of the device: they're determined by how the device is used.
It becomes a real can of worms - but if you have a
design specific library, even an _instance_ specific library,
you can get apply attributes that function.

Thats very unfriendly to a beginner however.
And only necessary for analog design.  Or fpga pins.
(or a very long list when I consider for a moment..)

Over the years one sees (and occasionally uses) all sorts of strange permutations. One of my favorites is the op amp with its "output" grounded and its "power" pins used as differential current outputs!

And here I am, replying to you, and getting my fingers into spicepp.pl (I need some small changes to get it to translate TSMC models for ngspice), and there's *your* name at the top. Thank you very much!

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.