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gEDA-user: chipscope vs. rerouting signals to test pads/pins (was: terminators)

gene glick wrote:
> Yeah, it didn't occur to me,but chipscope is a good method.  If it's not 
> free, and you have some extra fpga pins, bring out a couple of test pins 
> to a header, then route the internal signals to that header.
> I'm at a loss for the name, it may be fpgaeditor, but it is really easy 
> to route/reroute signals to the test pins without editing and 
> recompiling the chip design.  I did it all the time on my last job.

Would like to find out what that iteration to get different outputs is like.

Is it like running the place and route pin mapping step for the FPGA you're using
without changing the "synthesized" level of the design?

John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX

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