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Re: gEDA-user: zview/ngscope


El 06/04/11 16:42, John Doty escribió:

On Apr 6, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:

On 4/6/11 3:01 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
Specifically, the suite misses a way for fast turnaround of schematic
modification, simulation and display.



Especially for simulation, where you very often aren't just running the simulator itself.

You may need to process netlists with spicepp.pl or some other script, to fix SPICE dialect dependencies or other problems.

You may need to generate stimulus files or command files.

You may need to update subcircuit libraries before simulating.

You may need to postprocess the simulation data to extract the information you seek.

The simulation may be part of some larger process. For example the final product may be a report containing plots or other data generated from simulations.

This is one place where gEDA's modular toolkit approach really shines. It saves me an enormous amount of time relative to the more integrated tools I once used. One really nice thing about makefiles is that while I often forget how to make some data product, the makefile doesn't.

You are right but, what about the users?

Best regards.

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