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Re: gEDA-user: gschem: Adding net names to a bus
On Tue, 2006-08-08 at 09:17 -0400, John Luciani wrote:
> On 8/7/06, Patrick Doyle <wpdster@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > So I drew a bus down along side of the symbol and started connecting
> > nets to it. So far, so good, but now I want to label the nets, and
> > here is where things get a little cumbersome.
> >
> > Select net,
> > aa
> > EM_A[...]
> > select netname, since it is way to big
> > ex
> > Change the font size to 6.
> >
> > As I said, this feels cumbersome, and I thought I would ask if there
> > are easier ways to enter in a bunch of similar netnames.
> What I sometimes do is ---
> 1. Create a schematic with a single net.
> 2. Edit the netname, font size, name position, etc until the net
> appearance is satisfactory.
> 3. Copy the net as many times as desired.
> 4. Close the schematic and edit net names in EMACS.
> A search and replace macro makes this easier.
> 5. Use gschem to correct the positioning of misplaced nets and then
> copy the net schematic into your main schematic.
> (* jcl *)
What I do is draw one net then set NET=DATA0 for that net then copy and
past that net + the bus ripper n times. Finally go down the row of nets
and edit each ones attribute.
Steve Meier
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