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Re: gEDA-user: How to do PCB Autorouting with non-plated holes

Cory Papenfuss wrote:

> I thought about that... making different footprints that don't 
> have copper on the component side of the pins.  Since that would require 
> making new footprints for pretty much everything,

Well, you could do the heavy lifting with an awk script: 

 If the current line is a pin,
    set the diameter of the pin to zero and add a hole flag
    ouput a round pad with the diameter of the pins annular ring
    output the current line unchanged.   

> I was hoping for a 
> different solution... :)  It seems like it would be a relatively common 
> thing for hobbyists to want (whether it's a milled or home-etched board), 
> so I thought there might be a setting on the autorouter config to "ignore 
> component hold plating" or something.

IMHO, the copperless pin solution is superior. It models the layout like 
it is in reality.

That said, both autorouters have a problem with user level configuration, 
or rather the lack thereof. Features that would make auto routing a much
more viable option than it is now:

* alternatively minimize via count, or minimize overall track length

* options to not autoroute particular nets/pins/components

* track parameters that depend on the net it connects

* preferred routing direction of a layer

* Non-copper avoid-areas with different levels of importance. 
  (prefer-to-avoid --> avoid at all cost)
Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
increasingly unhappy with moderation of geda-user

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