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Re: gEDA-user: This patch is breaking compile

I forgot to mention, that I refer to the latest patch-set available at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/pcb/+bug/699497 (Patch set of 2011-08-13.

Am 25.08.2011 21:57, schrieb Felix Ruoff:
Hello Markus and all,

(English text starts after this paragraph. Nothing important here in German said.) danke für die Antwort (auf Deutsch! Viel einfacher für mich zu lesen ;-) ). Ich habe ein gewisses Interesse daran, dass die Patches eingepflegt werden, da ich PCB evtl. als GCode generator für meine CNC Fräse benutzen möchte, die zur Zeit mit der reprap-Software läuft (wenn ich das richtig rausgefunden habe, bist du/sie (blöde deutsche Sprache) bei dem Projekt auch aktiv, oder?). Werd jetzt trotzdem in englischer Sprache weiterschreiben, damit sich niemand ausgegrezt fühlt.

Thank you for the 'tutorial'. I have much other things to do, so I think it will need some days for me to review all your patches.

There has been some discussion already about Markus' patch-set which I will summarise here and add some own comments. Please everybody, give your comments.

- 0001 let the system library allocate the temporyary file: Alberto Maccioni wrote in his mail of 1. May 2011 that the temporary file is sometimes needed for checking the result. He suggested to add a switch weather the file should be removed or not. My suggestion: Don't use tmpfile(), but use the new function gcode_get_filename() from patch 0004 with an additional suffix for the filename '.png'.

- 0004 create better file names: Why should the default file-suffix be changed to '.cnc'? I suggest to apply this patch but let the default file-suffix as it is ('.gcode') for compatibility with probably existing scripts using this function.

- 0005 add a flag wether to procude advanced G-code: I will suggest to set the switch 'produce advanced G-code' to ON by default (backwards compatibility).

- 0007 switch from tool-radius to tool-diameter in the user interface: This patch breaks backwards compatibility, so have a little headache with it. I think, there is a possibility to mark the tool-radius setting as deprecated and support both options (for using the gcode-export with scripts). I have not done something like this - perhaps anyone have a hint? I would also prefer to have the tool-diameter in the user interface (as Markus' patch would do).

I have not reviewed the other patches completely (have stopped at 0010). I will write again, when I have new questions/suggestions.

If there are no negative comments in the next days I will do the changes I suggested and start to apply this patches step by step.

Kind regards,

By the way: Has anyone started to review the commandline-docu patches I have posted last Thursday (gEDA-user: PCB Docu: Patch for command-line options)?

@Kai-Martin: I did not forget about your patch for 'Select all connected items'

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