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Re: AN interseting delema Re: gEDA-user: wxPCB Goals

On Dec 2, 2005, at 10:54 PM, Steve Meier wrote:
OK, so person A uses a program which isn't open and creates a file which
uses an open format. Would we reject the file? I think not. If the use
of the program that person A uses requires the use of a non-open file
format to generate the resultant open file.... Well then we might.

This is indeed a dilemma. It seems to me that anyone ought to be able to regenerate machine-generated files if the need arises, though. Consider the situation in which someone wants to contribute additions or fixes to the source side of a machine-generated file but lacks access to the closed software required to re-process it. This is a big can of worms.

This is why men of my age end up with grey hairs... ok besides the fact
that we might also have daughters who are turning into teenagers.

[ignores obvious opening for a "dirty old man" joke requesting your daughter's contact information...ducks under desk for safety.. ;)]

And sons who don't do the home work they are supposed to be doing.

Hmm, I remember doing exactly that, back in the dark ages. My teachers hated me, my report cards sucked, but I think I turned out ok. Not defending the behavior, mind you..

It is damn hard to be an anarchist and a parent.

Now THAT'S a sig quote if I've ever heard one.


Dave McGuire "You'll have to be a lot more specific than 'that
Cape Coral, FL girl last night.'" -Ted McFadden