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Re: AN interseting delema Re: gEDA-user: wxPCB Goals
> OK, so person A uses a program which isn't open and creates a file which
> uses an open format. Would we reject the file? I think not. If the use
> of the program that person A uses requires the use of a non-open file
> format to generate the resultant open file.... Well then we might.
From my perspective, it's like this. The use of closed software is
used in one of two ways, where "src" is its input file, and "dest" is
its output file:
1. The software is used to turn src into dest initially, but dest is
edited by open tools after that.
2. The software is always used to turn src into dest, and nobody edits
In case 1, it doesn't matter what you use to get dest, because once we
start editing dest you can't use the closed software any more anyway,
so dest has to be an editable format anyway, so there's really not a lot
of benefit to using the closed software.
In case 2, we can't edit the files without spending money for special
tools. Plus, we've violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the GPL
by requiring closed software to develop a GPL'd application.
In either case, ongoing development can't require closed software, so
IMHO there's no point even discussing it any more. If the closed
software is optional, use it if you want, no point in arguing about
it. If the closed software is not optional, we can't use it.
Note that this is different than closed software which performs a
common task, like a text editor or compiler, like Dan says. The GPL
defines an application according to its "source files" and "program".
If the process of getting from "source files" to "program" requires
closed software that doesn't normally come with the operating system
(like the compiler), then the GPL has been violated.
> This is why men of my age end up with grey hairs... ok besides the fact
> that we might also have daughters who are turning into teenagers. And
> sons who don't do the home work they are supposed to be doing.
Sigh, that sounds *so* familiar.