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Re: gEDA-user: xaw vs. gtk future?

On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 05:14:56PM -0200, Xtian Xultz wrote:
> Em Sáb 03 Dez 2005 15:11, don escreveu:
> > On Sat, Dec 03, 2005 at 07:53:45AM -0500, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > > To cite an example of recent interest to me:  I would like to edit
> > > text I have previously put on the silkscreen layer.  Specifically, I
> > > want to change its size.
> S over it doens change her size? And N over it to edit it...
> > This close to what I have been wanting.  I would like to be able to edit
> > any type of object.  Actually I can do it now (and do), but I have to
> > save the file, exit pcb, and use a text editor :-(.
> What kind of edit you cant do in pcb that you need an text editor?

Pcb's 's' and similar commands change the size by fixed increments (5
or 10 mils typically).  If I want a size that is not a multiple of the
inrement different from the current size, I use an text editor.

How do you make a 40 mil via into a 43 mil one?

Don Reid