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Re: gEDA-user: New testing version of gEDA Suite CD available

David --

> Sorry, the URL is http://www.offramp.com/FC4_Lab-Install, and I still
> need a little time before the gEDA instructions get integrated into the
> wiki. Quite a bit of restructuring will be necessary in the next two
> weeks as I add some new content. This thing is getting big.

I looked at your wiki, and I was very impressed and gratified to see
how much detail you have provided regarding gEDA installation!  Great

It looks like you are teaching a university class.  Would you care to
let us know where you teach?  I am glad to see gEDA getting some
traction in universities!

Finally, I went ahead and placed a pointer from the gEDA to your
pages.  I think they are a valuable contribution to the gEDA project,
and deserve to be linked in so they can be used!  Thanks!
