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gEDA-user: Clarifying the License issues for gaf and PCB

>From www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html

Can I use the GPL for something other than software?
        You can apply the GPL to any kind of work, as long as it is
        clear what constitutes the "source code" for the work. The GPL
        defines this as the preferred form of the work for making
        changes in it.

I think at this point, in order to avoid confussion.

1) That gaf and pcb need to state if they consider the distributed
symbols and land patterns to be code.

Assuming that the symbols/land patterns are to be considered code that:

2) Those symbols/land patterns that are released under the expectation
that they be released only under the GPL be clearly labled as such.

3) Those symbols/land patterns that are released under the expectation
that they be released only under a redistribution license such as the
LGPL be clearly labled as such.

In all cases, the wishes of the owners of the copyrights need to be
respected. At this time, I suggest that a pardon be issued for old
designs that missued any symbol or land pattern and that the libraries
be organized to avoid such confussion in the future.


Steve Meier

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