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Re: gEDA-user: uEDA .. was .. Re: Heavy Symbols and such
On Dec 7, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Steve Meier wrote:
> John Doty wrote:
>> The interesting idea so far in this discussion has been to let the
>> BOM be source rather than product.
> Dang, That was the idea I intentionally left out of my last diatribe.
> And you cut right to it. I agree, that the world being bom specific as
> opposed to schematic specific is interesting even if i havn't got a
> clear vission oh what being bom specific means. I was going to ask,
> that
> does being bom specific mean.... that we build new designs with an a
> bias to the components we already have?
That's one consequence. But consider what happened to me yesterday:
I had made up a 100 slot symbol representing one pin of a 100 pin
connector. I had two of these connectors in a design, with pins
spread over many pages. So far so good. But yesterday, I got a look
at the space (in a vacuum chamber) where these boards need to fit. It
wasn't as previously described to me, and it really needed a somewhat
different connector with a different part number and footprint.
OK, now what? It's only two parts, but it's a *lot* of symbols I had
to track down and fix. Fortunately, there were no others with that
device= or footprint= attribute, so a multi-file global search and
replace in nedit did the trick. The joys of text files: thanks, Ales.
But what if I'd needed to fix one connector, but not the other?
The way we have it now, part attributes are attached to symbols. But
symbols aren't parts, so that's wrong. And often, attributes should
be common to many parts of the same type.
Right now, we, by default, reference light symbols in a common
library, and then attach attributes to them. That's wrong, too: if
I'm going to use a bunch of, say, OP220's in a design, I want all of
them to have the same package and temperature spec. So, right now, I
want to reference an editable heavy symbol here. I want neither the
library symbol nor a bunch of separate embedded instances (hear that
Peter? At best, your scheme gives me a separate instance per page. No
good in a multipage schematic). But maybe the heavy symbol approach
isn't right either.
Right now, the mechanics of browsing the libraries for a graphic,
copying that to your project library, rescanning symbols to make it
visible (arrrggh!), and then finally picking and placing it and going
down into it to fix it up are clumsy. But if you don't do that, you
may be in trouble down the road when you need to change a footprint
or something. Or when somebody "fixes" a common library symbol in the
next release.
The place where this all comes together is the BOM: that's where all
of the non-graphical information about the parts is. But right now,
we derive that from the graphics. That's wrong, too: the graphics
should represent graphical aspects of the design. Symbols and their
connections. But the graphics are an inefficient place to control and
edit the textual aspects of the design.
Another thing to cogitate on is textual netlist input. In the old
Viewlogic days, I sometimes made text files that were pin maps for
connectors. Pin number to net name. I had awk scripts that could
merge them with Viewlogic's text netlist format, and also make tbl/
troff pages for documentation. Very handy. But in gEDA we have many
different netlist output formats, and the only netlist input format
is .sch.
> Seems like the purchasing department/ inventory management groups
> might
> like the idea?
> I would rather find a way to describe a problem economically... The
> cost
> of using one component over another as long as the availability and
> capability of the componet doesn't become an issue, should determine
> the selection of the component.
> Or, should the potential future cost of a component be includded in
> the
> selection of what goes into the new design?
> You have heard the joke that if you took all the economists in the
> world
> and lined them up head to foot they would not reach a conclussion?
> Hey add hardware engineers debating the meritts of languages to that
> last thought ;)
> Steve Meier
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John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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