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Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter VERY slow?

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Stefan Salewski <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I must have missed a lot of that postings?

See pcjc2's thread on a futuristic interface.

> You may be disappointed that no other people have continued working on
> your great router -- I guess the reason is that many of us feel that we
> are not smart enough to understand the internal working. Extending user
> interface and adding new features may be not to hard, but finding
> reasons for segfaults or bugs in the core code can be really hard, at
> least too hard for me -- in this winter of code.

I don't expect other people to help out. But I do find it rather
discouraging the number of people (unfortunately a vocal majority) who
are actively hostile towards anything that would threaten their job
spending 100's of hours laying out straight line PCB's by hand. Why
the fuck do people send me private email telling me that they don't
use/trust autorouters, and thus it is pointless trying to improve an
autorouter? The 70's called, and they want their manual tapeouts back.

And yes, the bugs in the toporouter are nasty. Over the last few
months I've spent well over 100 hours trying to fix the topological
sketch -> curvilinear wiring exporter. I've tried so many fixes that
didn't work in all cases, or introduced new bugs, until I finally
nailed down what was going on. Along with the fact that no one is
helping me, the rate at which I've been chopping and changing
algorithms as I experiment with them is the reason I haven't
documented anything yet. Now I've almost stabilized and verified the
curvilinear export code, I'll start to document it. I'm doing things
at my own pace, and I'll push when I'm ready.

Best wishes,

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