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Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist gschem question about ports/page-connectors


When I use the interpage symbols I name the nets connected to them the same on all the seperate sheets and then use the pages=? attribute to list the page numbers that the netname shows up on in the other sheets. The naming of the nets makes the connectivity in the netlist. I set the pages= attrbutes by hand or sed / grep work.

Now, I haven't upgraded to gschem 20040111 yet, I'm still at 20030901, so I don't know if this is true, but it seems from your post that you are saying that the misc/interpage symbols in 20040111 now have refdes= and have lost the graphical=1 attributes. Is this true? The 20030901 symbols do not have refdes= and HAVE graphical=1. This is true for the symbols at the website too. Are the 20040111 interpage symbols broken?

If the symbols are not broken then interpage symbols should work out of the box as described above and as shown with these two schematics and this call of gnetlist: gnetlist -gPCB -o ipex.net ipex_1.sch ipex_2.sch


v 20030901
C 31400 39600 0 0 0 title-bordered-A.sym
C 33500 44300 1 0 0 connector2-1.sym
T 33500 45100 5 10 1 1 0 0
C 35400 43700 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym
N 35200 44500 35500 44500 4
N 35500 44500 35500 44000 4
C 36000 44600 1 0 0 interpage_to-1.sym
T 37300 44800 5 10 1 1 0 0
N 35200 44800 36000 44800 4
T 35500 44900 5 10 1 1 0 0


v 20030901
C 34600 38200 0 0 0 title-bordered-A.sym
C 38000 43800 1 0 1 interpage_from-1.sym
T 36700 44000 5 10 1 1 0 6
C 39000 43800 1 0 0 led-1.sym
T 39800 44200 5 10 1 1 0 0
C 40200 43300 1 0 0 gnd-1.sym
N 38000 44000 39000 44000 4
T 38200 44100 5 10 1 1 0 0
N 39900 44000 40300 44000 4
N 40300 44000 40300 43600 4


hot LED1-1 J1-1
GND LED1-2 J1-2

John Griessen wrote:

Here's a brief how to for page connectors that generate clean netlists,
and how to modify any port connector to behave well in a flat, multipage schematic.

The standard gschem library symbols for this are:
share/ gEDA/sym/misc/interpage_bidir-1.sym interpage_from-1.sym interpage_to-1.sym
They have attributes like:
device=interpage_to graphical=1 pinseq=1 pinnumber=1 pages=?
and no refdes= at all. To this, we can add a name for pages=? . Add pages=MeasuredTime, for instance.
Also add net=MeasuredTime:1 and youwill get connectivity and a netlist that does not show the page connector symbol
as a component with a pin one on the netlist. (Not desired).

So, to change any schematics made for ports and hierarchy, just delete refdes, add graphical=1, add pages=yournetname

When using schematics made with port connectors, I was seeing netlist nets like: MeasuredTime JMP301-3 MeasuredTime-1 R104-2
and not wanting the MeasuredTime-1 to be in the list.
The reason is port connectors have attributes refdes=MeasuredTime , no attribute graphical=1. That seems to define it as a component.

John G

Eric Winsor
Stewart Radiance Laboratory
Space Dynamics Laboratory - USURF
Bedford, MA 01730