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Re: gEDA-user: Building subcircuits in gschem and pcb possible?

Larry Doolittle wrote:

> I do this "all the time", but I use xcircuit instead of gschem.
> In PCB, I can cut-and-paste the laid-out channel just fine, but
> the refdes get messed up.  Those are fairly easy to fix up with
> an awk script.  On the schematic side, what you want is a hierarchical
> design.  Define your amp as a block, and then instantiate it 8 times
> on a higher level page.  xcircuit can do this, and I trust gschem
> can too.  I end up post-processing the xcircuit netlist to get
> reasonable component names, since they otherwise come out with
> the hierarchy prefixed.

Yep, this works well in gschem -- but you have to create a symbol for your
subcircuit as well as the actual schematic. I've used it to create an
array of 64 analog switches and filters quite comfortably before. But that
was about a year ago and I've forgotten how to do it since then...


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