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Re: gEDA-user: Building subcircuits in gschem and pcb possible?

Steve Meier wrote:

> Subcircuits within subcircuits tends to produce strings of reference
> designators such as "S1/S3/S7/U1" which is a horrible ref designator for
> the final schematic. But I have hope in the future that PCB will also
> become hierarchical in which case a group of land patterns will be given
> a group name and that groups can have groups within. Thus:
> Group S1 contains
> S2, S3, S4
> and group S2 contains
> S5, U1, U2, R1, R2, L1
> and group S5 contains
> U1, L1, L2, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, R1, R2 and R3
> now I can draw a silkscreen outline around all of group S1 and include a
> bit of text "S1"
> then within the S1 silkscreen I can draw silk outlines for S2, S3 and S4
> and within S2 draw a silk outline for S5
> groups should be able to be copied and then just the group reference
> designator edited which automatically renames all the full reference
> designators for the entire group.

A tricky issue with this scheme is that just because a component is in a
particular subcircuit doesn't necessarily mean that it will be
_geographically_ located near to the other components in that


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