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Re: gEDA-user: Snap to grid preventing selecting/dragging text

On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 18:55 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> IMHO, it is not gschem, but your window manager who differentiates between 
> double click and two clicks in a row. Try to fiddle with the mouse settings 
> of your window manager to achieve faster timing. In gnome/metacity you can 
> find this as "Double-Click Timeout" in 
>    System -> Preferences -> Mouse_Preferences -> General

It is actually the toolkit, in this case GTK + GDK.

See the properties:

"gtk-double-click-distance" gint                  : Read / Write
"gtk-double-click-time"     gint                  : Read / Write

Of the GtkSetttings object. I believe these are set by your desktop
environment via the XSettings mechanism. (On X11 at least). This is also
how the GTK theme is picked up by applications.

I'm not sure whether the toolkit passes settings down to X11 to have the
X server differentiate the different click types, or whether GDK
processes simple events based on the server timestamp and then
synthesises the appropriate internal events.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)
Tel: +44 (0)1223 748328 - (Shared lab phone, ask for me)

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