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gEDA-user: Re: power connections and hierarchy

On Thu, 04 Jan 2007 17:28:16 -0600, John Griessen wrote:

> A netname on a net or attached to a placed symbol is global when
> netlisted.

I attached a netname to a net in a subsheet. The netlist produced by
gsch2pcb contained this netname prefixed wuth the refdes of the sub sheet
symbol. So the netname is local to the sub sheet.

> Some/most of the power symbols have net=Vss:1 type of name only.  If you
> add attribute netname=Vss by attribute-->attach, ( keystrokes ta), for
> each placement of power symbol in your schematic, it will make a global
> netlist connection.

This did not work for me. The netname attribute did not affect the net of
the power pin, even if I included the pin number (netname=foo:1). I also
tried to no avail to include the netname attribute into the symbol. 

How about a "global" attribute, that make a net explicitely global? 

Kai-Martin Knaak

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