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Re: gEDA-user: [Fwd: Re: Separate Vcc voltages]

On fre, 2007-07-13 at 09:14 -0600, John Doty wrote:
> > Sorry if I was unclear, actually got that point and agreed with you  
> > that
> > this is a good way of doing it. However, can the internal net name be
> > Vdd or Vcc? Does the external connection override the internal net  
> > name?
> Remember that Steve is teasing us with features from his unreleased  
> private version. The released gEDA doesn't work that way.

That was what I thought. So the internal net name should be something
that is very unlikely to appear in the final schematic then, which is
kind of hard to guarantee. Perhaps gEDA should work that way aftar all?


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