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Re: gEDA-user: Running a mixed analog and digital simulation possible?


There is also an experimental ADMS add-in for ngspice. Not sure
whether it is usable now, though.


On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Svenn Are
Bjerkem<svenn.bjerkem@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been searching a bit on the net to try to find out if it is
> possible to run a mixed-signal simulation with open-source tools. So
> far I have mostly been using digital VHDL only and I find that the
> VHDL path is not there yet. Icarus seems to have some Verilog-AMS in
> place, and it seems like gnucap is used as the back end. Anybody has a
> pointer to a HOWTO for VAMS with icarus and gnucap?
> A different thing is the mixed-signal simulation. So far the
> commercial tools I have used use some kind of interface blocks between
> analog domain and digital domain and run an analog and a digital
> simulator in parallel to speed up the digital part. Is something like
> this available in the open-source domain?
> Nanosim seems to have a different approach: The accuracy is adjusted
> down for digital parts to lower the computing while keeping analog
> parts decent and both run in the same simulator.
> I only have access to commercial grade digital simulators, but would
> like to widen my horizon into mixed-signal.
> --
> Svenn
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