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Re: gEDA-user: "click on zoom focus"

On Fri, 2010-07-23 at 17:01 -0700, David McQuate wrote:
> I've tried clicking, double-clicking, click-and-drag, mouse button 
> combinations, shift / control / alt click.
> Nothing seems to bring the menus and buttons back from their grayed-out 
> inactive state.
> The mouse cursor still moves, and pauses at via centers, etc. and the 
> cursor changes from an arrow to a small, fancy
> square.  The mouse wheel does change the zoom level.  All this works, 
> but the menus and buttons remain deactivated.

I've experienced a very similar bug, except the status bar says 'Click
on a place to pan'.

It can be triggered by holding down the right mouse button over the
status bar and then dragging up into the layout area. After doing this
nothing appears to have happened but if you then attempt to move the
layout with the right mouse button PCB gets into a state like you've
described above: buttons/menus disabled. Left clicking on the layout
seems to clear it but it comes back as soon you try to move with the
right mouse button again.

I've found that I trigger this bug fairly often due to it being so easy
to accidentally right drag from the status bar when trying to move

This bug has already been reported (#2939810) and describes a slightly
different way of triggering it. The description of the state that PCB
enters matches what I've encountered exactly.

It seems that all three of these bugs are essentially the same and
relate to how PCB handles mouse down/up events. It is possible that it
modifies the UI state when the cursor enters/leaves the layout area and
this isn't taken into account in the down/up event handling.


P.S. I'm running the latest git PCB on Fedora 12 (I've seen this
behavior in Fedora 11, 12 and 13).

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