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Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released
The tool works very well (neat example, btw).
Couple of observations and "nice to have" features:
- project specific configuration (instead of putting everything in ~/.spnet*),
- inferring the list of used libraries by reading ./.gafrc (instead of
defining them in ~/.spnetlibs),
- command line switches for disabling ".END" card, for putting top
level schematic in a subcircuit, for putting each top-level subcircuit
in separate netlists and "include" them in the top-level one etc.
- better attribute names (like "modelName" instead of "value"), I
guess you are trying to follow some gschem conventions but, to be
honest, I don't really care much about compatibility with rest of
gschem libraries (they tend to be pcb flow specific anyway),
- hierarchical busses and parametrized subcircuits (I've seen this in
todo list),
- hierarchy configuration from top-level schematic,
- FYI, I never use implicit netlisting features (global nets, three
pin MOS devices, default channel length). Nevertheless, I've seen
people here asking e.g. about ".global" cards so they might be
valuable (unless they get in the way of other features).
It would be cool to have some sort of generic netlisting templates for
other simulators. I.e. instead of hardcoding spice code in the spnet,
these chunks of netlist could be taken from a primitive device library
(think: "spice view", "spectre view", "veriloga view" etc.).
As for the GUI, I don't really miss it too much. Unless it is very
elaborate it won't cover even half of features of modern simulators.
IMHO, the simplest solution is to add a bunch of "components" like
"netlistHeader", "netlistFooter", "hierarchyConfiguration",
"runSimCmd" or "netlisterConfiguration", where the user can simply
type missing spice cards, override spnet settings etc.
Overall, great job! Thanks.
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Anthony Shanks<yamazakir2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That framework of that level of integration I don't think exists of
> the gEDA flow as written since all of the tools are separate. The
> easiest way I think this is doable is for there to but a button in
> gschem that launches an outside script to netlist the current
> schematic and launch the simulation gui. Before we even think of that
> level of integration I think there needs to be a real simulation gui
> (which I am writing) to replace gspicui since it is missing so many
> feature and is not being updated.
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak<kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:08:55 -0700, Anthony Shanks wrote:
>>> Thanks I appreciate it. I'm also in the middle of writing a replacement
>>> for gspiceui.
>> Are there any plans to reach a level of integration where I can select
>> some subcircuit in gschem and press a simulate button?
>> ---<(kaimartin)>----
>> --
>> Kai-Martin Knaak
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