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Re: gEDA-user: spNet v0.9.2 released
On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 1:39 PM, r<nbs.public@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> The tool works very well (neat example, btw).
> Couple of observations and "nice to have" features:
> - project specific configuration (instead of putting everything in ~/.spnet*),
Good suggestion, I can probably do this by reading these files from
the current working directory first and try ~/.spnet* if the files
don't exist.
> - inferring the list of used libraries by reading ./.gafrc (instead of
> defining them in ~/.spnetlibs),
Yes I have thought about doing that, maybe add that feature to the next version.
> - command line switches for disabling ".END" card, for putting top
> level schematic in a subcircuit, for putting each top-level subcircuit
> in separate netlists and "include" them in the top-level one etc.
I see no problem with that.
> - better attribute names (like "modelName" instead of "value"), I
> guess you are trying to follow some gschem conventions but, to be
> honest, I don't really care much about compatibility with rest of
> gschem libraries (they tend to be pcb flow specific anyway),
I agree but the attribute names will probably stay the same since I'm
aiming this to be as compatible as possible with current gschem
> - hierarchical busses and parametrized subcircuits (I've seen this in
> todo list),
> - hierarchy configuration from top-level schematic,
What do you mean by this?
> - FYI, I never use implicit netlisting features (global nets, three
> pin MOS devices, default channel length). Nevertheless, I've seen
> people here asking e.g. about ".global" cards so they might be
> valuable (unless they get in the way of other features).
> It would be cool to have some sort of generic netlisting templates for
> other simulators. I.e. instead of hardcoding spice code in the spnet,
> these chunks of netlist could be taken from a primitive device library
> (think: "spice view", "spectre view", "veriloga view" etc.).
I suppose at a broader term this would be nice but I was really
intending this netlister to be used for spice simulations (I.E. spice
standard syntax).
> As for the GUI, I don't really miss it too much. Unless it is very
> elaborate it won't cover even half of features of modern simulators.
> IMHO, the simplest solution is to add a bunch of "components" like
> "netlistHeader", "netlistFooter", "hierarchyConfiguration",
> "runSimCmd" or "netlisterConfiguration", where the user can simply
> type missing spice cards, override spnet settings etc.
> Overall, great job! Thanks.
> -r.
Thanks for your support!
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Anthony Shanks<yamazakir2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> That framework of that level of integration I don't think exists of
>> the gEDA flow as written since all of the tools are separate. The
>> easiest way I think this is doable is for there to but a button in
>> gschem that launches an outside script to netlist the current
>> schematic and launch the simulation gui. Before we even think of that
>> level of integration I think there needs to be a real simulation gui
>> (which I am writing) to replace gspicui since it is missing so many
>> feature and is not being updated.
>> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 12:23 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak<kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:08:55 -0700, Anthony Shanks wrote:
>>>> Thanks I appreciate it. I'm also in the middle of writing a replacement
>>>> for gspiceui.
>>> Are there any plans to reach a level of integration where I can select
>>> some subcircuit in gschem and press a simulate button?
>>> ---<(kaimartin)>----
>>> --
>>> Kai-Martin Knaak
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