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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Stale rat's nest?

Hi Dan,

>> 	gschem does not support this sort of "transparent zooming/panning".
>> 	I really ought to disable the ability to even do this.
>I've wished for transparent zooming/panning more than once.  I find the 
>ability to pan/zoom while adding nets or copying parts or moving parts 
>to be quite useful in some other tools I use.

	Yes, me too, but it doesn't support it at the moment and having
it work partially is causing confusion. :(  If somebody has some spare
cycles, this would be a fun project too. :)

>>>to the undo history.  It is handy to make changes to a circuit, discover an 
>>>error, and be able to zoom in real close to some suspect region and do a few
>>>undo's to watch for some critical change to happen (I've done this many time
>>>in Eagle).
>> 	This is a religious issue.  Different people have very different
>> 	opinions on this.
>I think I'm with Vanessa on this one....

	Okay, maybe I'm in the minority here with my viewpoint... :-|
I'm always willing to be proved/convinced I'm completely wrong. :)
