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Re: gEDA-user: Looking for footprint of 1808

Thnsk Dan !

Now I will make a footprint and put into my project.


Dan McMahill wrote:

hiroshi wrote:

Is ther anybody wha has footprint of 1808 ?
I can not find the sizes.

From IPC-7351, a nominal condition for a CAPC4520X168N footprint (4.5 mm x 2.03mm x 1.68 mm) you'd have

pad X = 2.30 mm
pad Y = 1.20 mm
pad spacing = 4.30 mm

If you orient the part with pin 1 on the left and 2 on the right, pad X is the vertical pad dimension and pad Y is the horizontal dimension. pad spacing is the center-to-center spacing.

For CAPC4620X203N (4.57 mm x 2.03 mm x 2.03 mm) they give
X = 2.50, Y = 1.30, C = 4.30mm

You can download the land pattern viewer from www.pcblibraries.com. It's a good source for figuring out good sizes.

Hope this helps.
