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Re: gEDA-user: Thindraw and the HID interface... [WAS: Re: pcb segmentation fault]
On Mar 6 2009, Steven Michalske wrote:
>On Mar 6, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Peter Clifton wrote:
>> For GL (which can do opacity quite easily), some kind of (optional)
>> automatic fading (or just toggling) of surface features like pads
>> might
>> be useful, based on the active layer being worked on.
>i like the active net concept, point at a net and the rest of the
>board goes transparent.
>it allows you to see the nets more easily
Active layer? (I think if you made all but the active net translucent, it
would make it harder to figure out where the avaialble routing resources
I did think of something along those lines though.. if you were to be in
enforce DRC mode, you might be able to recolour the legal regions of board
to route in, or desaturate elements in illegal areas which are fixed, and
should touch the track being routed.
Since the background (unrouted resource) of each layer is typically either
black (my colours), white(ish), or layer colour (if you're through
ploughing a polygon), recolouring legal areas there is difficult. Any
keepout regions would have to be positively marked.
If we were to implement a "pushaway" mode where routing tracks could be
made to shove other geometry out of the way, perhaps desaturation of
consumed resources would only be done for immovable obejcts, such as a
component, or a locked track.
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