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gEDA-user: [Icarus Verilog] How to synthesis a flip-flop with asynchronous reset


I am writing some netlist generator in the Icarus Verilog 0.8 release
for our own FPGA-like devices. But I ran into a question that whether
Icarus Verilog can synthesis out flip-flops with asynchronous reset input.

When I run iverilog with command "iverilog -tfpga -parch=virtex test.v"
and the content of test.v is as below:
module test(D, Q, CLK, RESET);
input D, CLK, RESET;
output Q;
reg Q;
always @(posedge CLK or RESET) begin
if (RESET == 1) begin
Q = 0;
else begin
Q = D;
endmodule //test
iverilog will report messages like:
test.v: 5: warning: process not synthesized.
fpga target: unsynthesized behavior code.
But if RESET is removed from the sensitivity list, synthesis works fine.
Seems like iverilog cannot process asynchronous RESET signal for
flip-flops. Is that true?

Best regards,

Yujie Wen

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