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Re: gEDA-user: Questions about filling/using large nets/fills.

On Sun, 2010-03-07 at 14:06 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

> > The second question is pretty similar, I have to lay out an audio amp
> > circuit and little tiny wires that work well in digital electronics are
> > much less useful for audio.  So I want to have some rather large swaths
> > of copper connected to  parts.  I nice wide ground path makes life in
> > the audio world much easier.  I know you can adjust the width of lines
> > for the route styles.  Is that the way to do it?
> Choose the route style you want to change and click on the header 
> "Route Style" just below the tool buttons. A dialog pops up, that 
> allows you to set the line width along with several other parameters
> of the route style. 
> Alternatively, close pcb and edit the line "route-styles" in 
> 	$HOME/.pcb/preferences 

In addition, you can adjust the size of existing tracks with the "s" and
"S" keyboard short-cuts when hovering over an existing track. (This
works with other elements too).

When placing tracks, you can adjust the widths with the "l" and "L"
keyboard short-cuts.

You should see the new track sizes listed in the status bar. "Ctrl+R"
over an object gives you a report which will include its current width.

If you fancy changing size on a number of selected objects, select them
and execute an action.

":" brings up the command window / entry on the status bar.

ChangeSize(selectedlines, 25, mil)
ChangeSize(selectedlines, 2, mm)


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