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Re: gEDA-user: DRC vs shorted nets?

> There is a point when a short is happening
> that might be possible to alarm so you would be directed to check a
potential problem.

This thread started where the trace optimizer created the short, so any
interactive checker
wouldn't help there;

> When a short is happening, and it is the "hard to debug" kind, two nets
with more than a few
> parts have just touched.  If you set up a pseudo-netlist checker to run
for every action taken,
> but quickly, minimally, it might help.   For instance, the checker program
that runs after every action
> could look at whether more than 1/3 the nodes of the average net in the
design were just added
> to this net...  that could be done without going through the whole
netlist, just the local nodes
> being worked on.  It could be fast.

There is a line drawing mode, called auto-DRC that won't let you create
shorts, perhaps that is sufficent
for your desires, although you can still creat shorts when adding polygons,
arcs, vias and elements ;-)