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Re: gEDA-user: DRC vs shorted nets?

I tend to create shorts most often using the thermal tool. If I could declair a layer to be reserved for one net then most of my mistakes would be easy to spot.

Steve M.

harry eaton wrote:

There is a point when a short is happening
that might be possible to alarm so you would be directed to check a

potential problem.

This thread started where the trace optimizer created the short, so any
interactive checker
wouldn't help there;

When a short is happening, and it is the "hard to debug" kind, two nets

with more than a few

parts have just touched. If you set up a pseudo-netlist checker to run

for every action taken,

but quickly, minimally, it might help. For instance, the checker program

that runs after every action

could look at whether more than 1/3 the nodes of the average net in the

design were just added

to this net... that could be done without going through the whole

netlist, just the local nodes

being worked on. It could be fast.

There is a line drawing mode, called auto-DRC that won't let you create
shorts, perhaps that is sufficent
for your desires, although you can still creat shorts when adding polygons,
arcs, vias and elements ;-)