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Re: gEDA-user: good books about footprint and land patterns
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Up to now, I happily choose GPL3 as standard license in my
>> contributions to gedasymbols.org.
> Most of the gedasymbols contributions are GPL for *redistribution* but
> allow "any use" once they're embedded in a project.
> Making the user comply with GPL *after* embedding would be
> problematic, for various reasons.
> No matter where you pull things from, you really need to understand
> the licenses involved and how they interact. For example: John's
> symbols aren't GPL-compatible (because of the "no profiting" clause),
> so you wouldn't be able to mix them with gedasymbols symbols and
> redistribute them, but you *would* be able to mix them in a *design*.
Question: Why does there have to be a license at all for symbols? After
all, it's just library parts. In the Eagle community it is customary to
simply put them all out there on the table for everyone, just like a
good old potluck dinner. Only very few people list license terms there.
The only rule is "use at your own risk". So if you grab one and you are
allergic against the peanuts in there, too bad.
Regards, Joerg
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