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Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb to pcb error

On Sat, 2010-05-29 at 11:31 -0700, Mike Bushroe wrote:

>        During the night, I had trouble finding the duplicate footprint
>    symbols and so used gedit. When I next ran gsch2pcb I got a  'Tried to
>    attach a non-text item as an attribute' error message multiple times.

Strange -- what can be the reason for duplicate footprints in symbols? I
think I have seen at least one symbol with something like "footprint2="
or "#footprint=" to indicate alternate footprints? I think gschem shows
us such duplicate alternatives, maybe gattrib not?

Modifying the .pcb file with an texteditor may be waste of your time,
because gsch2pcb may try to revert your changes when you call it next
time. I would suggest to use the editor to find the footprints
duplicates, then use gschem to correct the symbols and then generate a
new correct pcb board with gsch2pcb.

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