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Re: gEDA-user: VHDL Compiler

My prof. said this and I'm curious about the answers.

Does verilog have testbenches?

I don't know about verilog, but VHDL allows for a top down design
from a single entity declaration through multiple layers of structural
architectures.  At all of these levels, the system is simulatable and
verifiable.  For a system which is hardware only, perhaps verilog is
ok.  For one which includes hardware/software tradeoffs, VHDL supports
this (I don't know if verilog does).

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 14:07, Bill Cox wrote:
> I gree.  In general both Verilog and VHDL are nearly equivalent from the 
> end-user perspective.
> However, from a developer standpoint, Verilog is far superior.  VHDL has 
> all kinds of crazy nonsense that almost no one ever uses.  Also, the 
> VHDL LRM (language reference manual) is a worthless pile, generally a 
> waste of paper.  It was designed by commitee, and never tested.  Anyone 
> claiming to be VHDL compliant is not telling you the whole truth:  There 
> is no such thing as standard VHDL, so how can you be compliant?  The LRM 
> is so full of bugs, that the implementer spends half his time making up 
> work-arounds for holes in the spec.  A simple datapoint:  My structural 
> Verilog reader is 5183 lines of hand written C code.  My structural VHDL 
> reader is 9744.
> Part of the strong Verilog bias you'll find out there comes from the 
> tool developer community.  It's no accident that Icarus Verilog is ahead 
> of GHDL.  Given limited resources in the open-source community, I think 
> a focus on Verilog makes a lot of sense.
> Bill
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
> >For Verilog code samples, try downloading some of the cores off of
> >OpenCores.org.  
> >
> >In short and simple terms, they differ  syntatically, but serve
> >basically the same design niche.  VHDL is more structured, organized,
> >& wordy, Verilog is more cryptic and less structured (but not too much
> >so).  In a sense, VHDL is more like Pascal, Verilog is more like C.
> >Note that both Pascal & C (like VHDL and Verilog)  serve the same
> >design purpose. 
> >
> >Some would say that VHDL is slightly "higher level" than Verilog, and
> >that Verilog is slightly "closer to gates" than VHDL.  As a practical
> >matter, these distinctions are not relevant to the ordinary designer.
> >You won't notice a bit of difference w.r.t. the power of the language
> >in your project.
> >
> >For more info, I suggest Googling up the comp.lang.vhdl or
> >comp.lang.verilog FAQs.
> >
> >Stuart
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Where can I see a sample of Verilog code.  In simple terms and short how
> >>do the two differ?  I read some V vs V messages a few secs ago but
> >>without knowing Verilog it's hard to agree with one or the other.
> >>
> >>Eric
> >>
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>If you can switch to Verilog, then Icarus Verilog rocks -- I've used
> >>>it to do a couple of small-to-mid sized projects.
> >>>
> >>>As for a waveform viewer, GTKWave is the tool of choice, IMHO:
> >>>
> >>>http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/apt/tools/gtkwave/
> >>>
> >>>Stuart
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>>>Can someone recommend a open source VHDL compiler that they like using. 
> >>>>I have to simulate a control unit on a processor and I also need a way
> >>>>to print out the output of the different timing signals. I currently use
> >>>>vsim (mentor graphics) on the school server but I will be traveling over
> >>>>the holiday and without a network connection plus you can only spend so
> >>>>much time with your family.  
> >>>>
> >>>>Thank you. 
> >>>>
> >>>>-- 
> >>>>Eric N. <enist@cox.net>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>        
> >>>>
> >>-- 
> >>Eric N. <enist@cox.net>
> >>
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
Eric N. <enist@cox.net>