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Re: gEDA-user: Fink install or binaries for Mac OS X

it looks like those lines got generated from some other portion of the compilation process, though. I would still suggest doing a 'make clean'. You can also use 'make 2>&1 | tee build-log.txt' to capture both stdout and stderr into build-log.txt, and 'tee' will display the output as it is generated.

When you built from source, what version was it? (Or was it the same
as the Fink package?)

- Charles Lepple

Verilog is being compiled from the 0.8.1 release. i seem to have a /darwinports/dports/science/iverilog directory which I didn't play with yet.

The fastest approach to get it up and running on Mac OS X would be to work directly from the binaries. The source downloading and compilation is not the most efficient path. Could you upload your binaries that are known to work on the geda.seul.org site? Once I get it running, I could work on the .info files for the binaries and give you the results such that other people could benefit.

Thanks so much for your help,