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Re: gEDA-user: Some kind of library manager and hierarchical netlisting

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 6:08 AM, Paul Tan <pt75234@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1) Add the following 2 lines to the end of any one of the "gnetlistrc"
> files,
>     such as the "system-gnetlistrc" file or your
> '$HOME/.gEDA/gnetlistrc"
>    file (make sure to leave an extra empty line after that):
> (if (assoc "hier_trav_disabled"  (gnetlist:get-calling-flags))
>    (hierarchy-traversal   "disabled"))

I like it. Is it possible to add this option to the gnetlist distribution?

Do you know if gnetlist can print out to its stdout a list of files in
the design hierarchy? That could eliminate the need to specify it
manually in Makefile.


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