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Re: gEDA-user: More GL stuff to test

On Wed, 2009-11-04 at 22:05 +0000, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> On Wednesday 04 November 2009 22:04:09 Christoph Lechner wrote:

> > Indeed, the board appears like it wasn't a plane. Just take a look at
> > the right and the left edge of the board ...
> Yep, definite projection fail there. It looks like the bottom of the board is 
> closer, but it's actually further away...

Anyone know of a better way to do it?

I was thinking of some kind of pseudo-perspective, like this:
    /           \
   / __O____O___ \
   /   o    o    \

So the 3D is actually a perspective projection, BUT.. we cheat on the
Z-coordinate some how, such that all vertical elements (via drills
etc..) remain parallel on screen.

All I recall from trying perspective projection, was that it makes
editing the board at anything other than straight-up orientation very
awkward.. and even in that case, since the layers still notionally have
different depths, they render at different sizes, and vias loose their
parallelism "down" into the page.

|  _________  |
| |         | |  (O-o) is a via shown through the board.. with:
| | Oo   oO | |   O on the top layer,
| |_________| |   o on the bottom layer.

(Ok, fairly exaggerated there, but still).

That is the issue.. I'm sure there is a way to achieve what I want, but
my vector maths / GL projection knowledge is a little rusty.

Until I try this.. I don't know if it will feel any better either, since
it is also going to be a corruption of what your brain will expect.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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