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Re: gEDA-user: outline layer by default [was: outline layer not exported]

> There are a few things which need thought through..

Most of these can be solved with suitable actions and/or command line

> We may loose flexibility in specifying custom gsch2pcb search paths, and
> whether to use M4 / non M4 libraries. These then become implicit by
> PCB's configuration. Will this break many workflows, or do we need
> actions to modify PCB's library settings on the fly (perhaps
> temporarily, during the run-time of the action script)?

If it breaks workflows, it's because you have two tools with two
different views of reality.  Think of it as an opportunity to fix that

> gsch2pcb currently deletes elements in some circumstances. Can we
> formalise what those are, and how we tell PCB to do the same?

Another option is to define an "element list" file format specifically
for this purpose, but still...


> For example, how will gsch2pcb's action script tell PCB to remove
> component "X" without having parsed the PCB file? (And if we did it
> at runtime, how do we identify component "X" if its being removed
> because it had no refdes etc..?)

Now we're talking about feedback from pcb, which would require running
it as a script ("pcb --action-string 'DumpBoardElements()'") or using

It might make sense to pass it a "list of desired elements" file and
let pcb decide what to delete/replace/add.  It might be able to do so
more intelligently than gsch2pcb anyway.

> I guess we could still let gsch2pcb manually do the deleting part,
> but it would be nice to avoid the necessity to modify files on disk
> and grok PCB's file-format.

Esp if we want to add to pcb's format.

> What might work is having a way to enumerate all components on the
> board (perhaps select each in turn), and to query enough information
> about each to decide delete / don't delete. This requires a far more
> full implementation for actions, including return codes (at the
> least, but this is desirable anyway), and possibly more complex
> data-types.


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