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gEDA-user: PCB+GL Usability updates

Hi guys,

For those testing the PCB+GL code, please update your checkout of the
"local_customisation_no_pours" branch.

I've put some time into working out the mouse coordinates (so the
crosshair works properly in 3D mode).

There is a "2D View" toggle button so you can get back to a straight-up
view. (When in 2D view, the drawing is also simplified - no vias on each
layer, so this is quicker).

Rendering is doing closer to the right thing when you flip the board to
its back-side.

I've reinstated region based drawing (including code which "nearly"
works for 3D). This means, when you zoom in on a complex design,
rendering speeds up. (Off-screen sections are not drawn).

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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