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Re: gEDA-user: PCB GL How to return to normal view

On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 21:55 +0200, michalwd1979 wrote:

> Thank You Peter, it works! 
> I know that this is very experimental branch, but let me suggest something. It would be nice if holes pads and vias would have "walls". Now it is sometimes confusing to find out which pad is which if board is viewed at low angle if You know what I mean.
> Please treat this suggestion as very low priority.

I think low angle rendering is poor due to the viewport and "camera"
setup. There is no front / back clipping, so you get everything - and
since it isn't anti-aliased, it becomes a real mess.

Hmm.. or if (not sure) the code I was playing with for perspective
viewing is what you fetched.. there might be "some" clipping.. not sure.

IIRC, the vias and pins _should_ have walls in the
"local_customisation_no_pours" branch, but I can't be 100% sure what
state the code was in when I last pushed.

The wall rendering is translucent - so you might not notice it.

Look at src/hid/gtk/gui-output-events.c

Round about line 1329, there is a block which draws the walls:

    if (i > 0) {
      cyl_info.from_layer = drawn_groups[i];
      cyl_info.to_layer = drawn_groups[i - 1];
      cyl_info.scale = gport->zoom;
//      gui->set_color (Output.fgGC, PCB->MaskColor);
      gui->set_color (Output.fgGC, "drill");
      ghid_global_alpha_mult (Output.fgGC, 0.75);
      if (PCB->PinOn) r_search (PCB->Data->pin_tree, drawn_area, NULL,
hole_cyl_callback, &cyl_info);
      if (PCB->ViaOn) r_search (PCB->Data->via_tree, drawn_area, NULL,
hole_cyl_callback, &cyl_info);
      ghid_global_alpha_mult (Output.fgGC, 1.0);

See the 
      ghid_global_alpha_mult (Output.fgGC, 0.75);

You could change the 0.75 to 1.0 if you want solid walls.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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