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Re: gEDA-user: multiple monitors

John Griessen wrote:
That's a nice idea. I'd also like a feature where besides just panning, you could define views that stay around. They'd show as zones on the whole design view, and selecting them would open the pcb work view window on that area of interest. A way to do a UI for that might be to pan when you click outside one of the defined views, zoom to a defined view when you click inside it, and mov ethe defined view when you click and
drag on it.
My mechanical cad demo has a similiar feature: 5 buttons that will store views:
- middle click on one of them stores your current view
- left click makes the stored view active
You have to remember what was where, but a thumbnail of the whole board with a red frame in it can be realized. I implemented this, because mechanical constructions sometimes have 2 small areas of interest with long parallel lines connecting them - but I find it generally handy.

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