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Re: gEDA-user: How to connect pads to anything?

Stefan Salewski:
> On Sun, 2010-10-17 at 15:35 +0200, Karl Hammar wrote:
> > There is also under "Edit->Move to current Layer  M", but I haven't 
> > been able to move a footprint to the solder layer with that.
> Of course you can not move it to inner layers, so Move to current Layer
> makes not much sense.

How come "solder" is considered an "inner" layer, is it due to silk and 

> Hoover mouse over footprint and press key b -- this is for lesstif, but
> may work for gtk too.

(seems you have to select it)

Aha, that's the way, I like it.
So much work for not knowing...

/Karl Hammar

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