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Re: gEDA-user: Free Dog meeting report: Notes on the topics we discussed

On Sunday 18 September 2005 09:26 pm, John Coppens wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Sep 2005 13:26:57 -0400

[ snip ]

> Maybe I don't have the latest in machines (1GHz Athlon), but I somehow am
> not impressed with programs that are are so - complicated...


Something is wrong with the installation or brl-cad is having a problem with 
your graphics card. If I were you, I'd log on to brl-cad irc at:


and post your issues/problems. I've gotten excellent help via irc everytime 
I've had a problem/issue. Very knowledgable people. I highly recommend the 
irc channel for brl-cad.

Regarding the complexity of the program - its not really that bad. I've gotten 
the usage of brl-cad down to about 80% gui and 20% cli. But, this came at 
a price - I actually *had* to read the manual (In the case, the tutorial). As
everyone knows, the last island of refuge for an engineer is reading the 
manual :)

Regarding the tutorial, the first couple of sections concentrate on using
brl-cad at the command line. From what you wrote, thats where I think
you are at. If you have patience and work on through the tutorial, later 
chapters will show you how to do everything they are teaching you using the 
gui. Plus, all the stuff you learn at the command line is very helpful. 
Apparently, the thinking of the authors of the tutorial is that they want you 
to know how the system works at the command line before they
show you how to use the gui. 



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