Stuart Brorson wrote:
I am one of the folks who thinks that component symbols should not have hidden pin connections. Indeed, this problem is really acute when the symbols live in a library, since newbies won't know that the pin is connected to GND unless they open up the symbol and look at the attributes.
As long as you do standard stuff, for example a uC circuit w/
+5V and GND only, everything is fine.
Heh. You've illustrated my point very well. +5V logic supplies
havn't been "standard" for a number of years. Logic supply
voltages are all over the place now. +3.3V is arguably more common
than +5V logic (for commercial-grade designs), and +2.5, 1.8V, and
1.5V are also seen. Therefore, I don't favor "out of the box" symbols
to have hidden +5V supplies.