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Re: gEDA-user: Linear voltregs: Symbol bugs or features?

Stuart Brorson wrote:
Stuart Brorson wrote:

I am one of the folks who thinks that component symbols should not
have hidden pin connections.  Indeed, this problem is really acute
when the symbols live in a library, since newbies won't know that the
pin is connected to GND unless they open up the symbol and look at the

As long as you do standard stuff, for example a uC circuit w/
+5V and GND only, everything is fine.

Heh. You've illustrated my point very well. +5V logic supplies
havn't been "standard" for a number of years. Logic supply
voltages are all over the place now. +3.3V is arguably more common
than +5V logic (for commercial-grade designs), and +2.5, 1.8V, and
1.5V are also seen. Therefore, I don't favor "out of the box" symbols
to have hidden +5V supplies.

Lets not even talk about ECL parts where VCC is 0 volts and VEE is -5.2 volts. "Hey, how come all the 10H116's on my board are smokin' hot?"

Also, mixed supply designs are common. If you make a 3.3V logic part with implicit "VDD" power and you also have some 1.8V logic which also uses implicit "VDD", you've got problems in the form of a magic smoke leak.

Implicit power connections are evil! The only place were I don't think so is DJ's example of the actual ground symbol or an actual VDD symbol. But there, you're paying attention.
